Navigating Salary Trends and Equity in Cybersecurity: Insights from the 2024 ISC2 Workforce Study

The cybersecurity industry is experiencing significant growth, with salaries for professionals soaring by more than 23% since 2021, according to the 2024 annual workforce study from ISC2. The average salary for cybersecurity professionals in 2023 reached $147,138, compared to $119,000 in 2021. This substantial increase reflects the rising demand for skilled cybersecurity talent in today’s digital landscape.
Salary discrepancies persist across gender and ethnicity lines, although there are some positive trends. Female executives and middle managers earned more on average than their male counterparts. However, women in non-managerial and middle-manager positions earned 5% less than men, and female managers earned 9% less. Interestingly, women in director and middle-manager roles outearned men in those positions by 1%, while C-suite and executive-level women earned 4% more than their male counterparts.
Ethnicity also plays a role in salary variations within the cybersecurity field. White men earned higher average salaries compared to non-white men, and white women earned more than non-white women. However, among non-white groups, cybersecurity professionals who identified as South Asian or East/Southeast Asian had average salaries higher than whites.
Transparency around salary ranges for cyber roles remains a challenge, contributing to gender and ethnicity pay disparities. Many companies lack transparency regarding salary ranges, leading to speculation among candidates and potential discrepancies in pay. Addressing pay equity in organizations is crucial, especially in a profession facing recruitment and retention challenges.
The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially impact pay equity in cybersecurity. AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks, allowing cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex activities. While AI may help address manpower supply and demand gaps, its impact on pay equity remains uncertain.
In conclusion, the cybersecurity industry continues to evolve, with salaries on the rise and efforts underway to address gender and ethnicity pay disparities. Transparency, diversity, and inclusion initiatives are essential for promoting pay equity and ensuring a thriving workforce in cybersecurity.